Friday, October 1, 2010

September brush fire leaving Huffacker hillsides blackened

In the middle of September in 2010 a brush fire swept through parts of the Huffacker Hills in Reno, Nevada. These hills are in close neighborhood to residential and business districts of southeast Reno, just south of the Rattlesnake Mountain, and provide popular spots (benches and picnic tables) and short trails for a lunch-time break. During spring time wildflowers such as the Beckwith Violet are abundant.

During and after the fire the trailhead parking lot at Alexander Lake Road was closed for the public and reserved for fire fighting crews. No causes have been reported and the trailhead area and all trails are open again. The currently blackened hillsides will temporarily be covered by snow during the coming winter month. Thereafter, lack or appearance of next spring's wildflowers should indicate, if the fire has caused long-term damage or some soil regeneration effect.

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