Currently, you will find more
COVID-19 recommendation posts than rattlesnake warning signs along the
Peavine Trails—a networks of hiking & mountain biking loops and trails northwest of
Nevada. The recommendations have been posted to remember trail users how to manage avoiding the spread of the
SARS-CoV-2 virus, a
coronavirus that can cause the respiratory disease COVID-19.
Even outdoors in
open space,
social distancing is key. To minimize the chance that hikers, joggers and cyclist may run into each other, the
temporary directional trail recommendations are set up such that many of the single-track trails are suggestively turned into one-way paths. “
Direction Suggested” and “
Direction Not Suggested” signs have been posted. Either type asks people to remember the following:
Announce Yourself Early to Others
“Be Nice - Say Hi” and Smile when Passing
Move at Least 6 ft off Trail when Passing
Avoid Congregating at Intersections.
It works. There is nothing to fear and lots to enjoy. The value of a
recreational trail network next to urban neighborhoods is priceless—anytime.
The posted signs you temporarily will see at many trail junctions and intersections:
COVID19 temporary trail recommendation: Suggested Direction |
COVID19 temporary trail recommendation: Direction Not Suggested |